Secondary Schools |
The following is reproduced from a 1996 Essex Council Council Education pamphlet distributed to parents of
school children attending both primary and secondary schools in the Laindon/Langdon Hills/Lee Chapel North areas of Basildon.
Education in Basildon
Preparing secondary education for the Laindon
community into the 21st Century
The Problem
There are more than 2,200 empty places in Basildon secondary schools. Central Government is pressing us to take
action to reduce the size of the problem. Although primary school numbers are rising - and new housing developments will continue - there is still
likely to be a minimum of 1350 empty places remaining.Empty or surplus places in schools cost money
that is better spent on pupils. Here are the numbers for each of the Basildon secondary schools for September
1995. They will have changed only slightly since then. |
Barstable |
capacity | 1,396, | pupils | 1,102, | surplus places | 294 |
capacity | 1,831, | pupils | 1,441, | surplus places | 390 |
capacity | 633, | pupils | 437, | surplus places | 196 |
capacity | 1,169, | pupils | 732, | surplus places | 419 |
capacity | 1,151, | pupils | 530, | surplus places | 621 |
St. Anselms
capacity | 750, | pupils | 636, | surplus places | 114 |
capacity | 1,263, | pupils | 1,093, | surplus places | 170 |
capacity | 8,193, | pupils | 5,971, | surplus places | 2,222 |
| | | | | | | |
The Review So Far
We met with staff representatives and governors of all the secondary schools in October and they were given the
opportunity to state their views about surplus places in Basildon. A full report setting out the issues and their views was considered by an Education
Sub-Committee (Strategy) at County Hall on 11 December.
The Way Ahead
The County Council decided that there was support for some action to be taken and that further discussions should
be held with the governors and staff at Nicholas and Laindon schools, as well as parents and local community, about a preliminary proposal to
amalgamate the two schools on one site in September 1998. If this action was taken it would nearly halve the number of empty places in the town, and
allow money to be invested into the newly formed school so that the buildings could be significantly improved.
The Laindon community would then have one thriving secondary school with its long term future assured.
At this stage, our view is that the fairest way to do this is to close both schools and at the same time open a new one in their place. This will provide
the opportunity to build on the strengths and traditions currently offered by both schools rather than simply expanding one and closing the other with
the loss of all that it currently has to offer.
We are also keen to ensure that the interests of all staff are safeguarded and handled as fairly as possible. By mergin the two schools, all the staff
involved would be able to apply for posts at the new school on an equal basis.
Exactly where the new school would be located, either at the Laindon or Nicholas School site, would be the subject of another public consultation
in the future.
We need to know what you think.
Please remember: Empty school places are expensive to maintain; this money is
better spent on pupils, teachers and school equipment. Empty school places create uncertainty about the future of each school affected.
If Essex County Council does not itself take the initiative to reduce empty school places in Basildon the Secretary of State for Education
and Employment may consider doing so direct from London instead. A locally agreed solution through consultation is preferable to one imposed on
Basildon centrally. Facts and Figures Forecast pupil numbers |
| Nicholas | Laindon | BASILDON |
Capacity | 1,151 | 1,169 | 8,193 |
Year | Roll | Surplus | Roll | Surplus | Roll | Surplus |
1996 | 484 | 667 | 707 | 444 | 5,960 | 2,233 |
1997 | 434 | 717 | 704 | 447 | 6,066 | 2,127 |
1998 | 425 | 726 | 713 | 438 | 6,213 | 1,980 |
1999 | 423 | 728 | 734 | 417 | 6,368 | 1,825 |
2000 | 438 | 713 | 769 | 382 | 6,537 | 1,656 |
2001 | 441 | 710 | 784 | 367 | 6,611 | 1,582 |
2002 | 455 | 696 | 806 | 345 | 6,670 | 1,523 |
2003 | 445 | 706 | 808 | 343 | 6,673 | 1,520 |
2004 | 446 | 705 | 810 | 341 | 6,681 | 1,512 |
2005 | 439 | 712 | 804 | 347 | 6,623 | 1,570 |
Forecast intakes of 11 year olds
| Nicholas | Laindon |
September 1996 | 82 | 139 |
September 1997 | 84 | 149 |
September 1998 | 88 | 155 |
September 1999 | 90 | 157 |
September 2000 | 94 | 170 |
September 2001 | 86 | 154 |
September 2002 | 98 | 170 |
September 2003 | 78 | 157 |
September 2004 | 91 | 159 |
September 2005 | 87 | 163 |
Our reassurance to you and your children
Essex County Council, your Local Education Authority, has had considerable experience in reorganising secondary
education in Essex since the 1980s, most recently in the Rayleigh area. Steps and safeguards are taken to ensure that during periods of change children
are protected as far as possible from anything that could disrupt their education.
Hear the issues for yourself and air your views
The change proposed is still at an early change and we invite you to put forward your views either in writing to
County Hall or at a public meeting at:
Bluehouse County Junior School, Leinster Road, Laindon on Wednesday 17 January at 7.30pm.
The County Council will then consider all the views put forward and decide whether to procede with this or any revised proposal. If it does procede,
further consultations would be held with you, probably in early summer, before any decision is taken. At that time we will put forward our views on which
of the two sites should be used. A full report recently discussed at County Hall on Seconday Education in Basildon is available:
Education Premises Unit, Essex County Council Education Department, PO Box 47 County Hall, Chelmsford CMI ILD or ring (01245) 43*2*0 or 4*6*96.
If you would like to put forward your views please write to us at the above address to arrive by Friday 9 February 1996.
Published by the Education Department. |
Page added: 22/04/2024 |
Text researched and written by William Cox, 2024.
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