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Guestbook Posts: 2012
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Wednesday November 21, 2012 20:33:33 pm |
Name: |
Lars |
Town/Country: |
germany |
How I got here: |
Regular Visitor |
Comments: |
dear all, I went to basildon last week to visit the roots of depeche mode. I was very surpised to found nothing which remembers on the fact that basildon was home of one of the most famous bands. In my mind the fact that basildon has such famous sons must be used as a tool of destination marketing. Why does it not happen? I would have been happy to visit something official wich makes sure that basildon is proud to be a basis of depeches history. |
Tuesday November 6, 2012 21:09:28 pm |
Name: |
Linda Waplington nee Mitchell |
Town/Country: |
Reading |
How I got here: |
Search Engine |
Comments: |
I am looking to locate Linda Williams (I do not know her married name) who I met whilst working in the City in 1968. She lived with her father and step-mother in Curling Tye. She worked in a Travel Agents in Leadenhall Street with another Linda. I visited her house in Basildon and we went on holiday together with another Linda - 3 Lindas! Any news of her would be very welcome. |
Sunday July 22, 2012 19:53:21 pm |
Name: |
angela ayres |
Town/Country: |
Basildon |
How I got here: |
Just Surfed In |
Comments: |
Lived in Basildon all my life, watched the changes. Some not so good, watchiing all the green space go is sad.... |
Monday July 16, 2012 12:15:02 pm |
Name: |
Anne Skinner nee Morris |
Town/Country: |
W. Australia |
How I got here: |
Just Surfed In |
Comments: |
Lived in Basildon actually near Great Burstead, and I went to The Bryn in 1960-62 sorry to hear its gone |
Saturday July 7, 2012 18:43:44 pm |
Name: |
Sharan Ann (Sharon Jackson) |
Town/Country: |
Wilmington, NC |
How I got here: |
Regular Visitor |
Comments: |
For anyone looking to contact people of just to have fun there is a big group on Facebook called Basildon Memories. The group is run by Ian Clarke.
Sharan Ann
Tuesday July 3, 2012 14:22:35 pm |
Name: |
Eileen Scott (nee Tonkin) |
Town/Country: |
Pitsea, Essex UK |
How I got here: |
Search Engine |
Comments: |
From 1947 until I emigrated to Canada in 1953 I lived in Station Lane Pitsea. My mother owned 'Miriam' Hairdressers there. It was one of three shops that stood well back from the road. The other two shops there were Foxwell's Cafe and in the middle was Huckle's Photographers (later named Recklaws.) These shops and some of the nearby houses and bungalows were built by my grandfather Harry Cude who also built houses in Rectory Road. I went to Pitsea School till 1949. I returned from Canada in 1957 and lived with my hubby and kids in Walthamstow till hubby sadly passed away. I returned to live in Pitsea from London in 2005. I remember Pitsea as a child as a pretty little village. It has changed a great deal since I was young but I am happy to be back here. My aunt Enid used to own Ramsey Stores in Nevendon Road Wickford for many years. Think that later became a night club. Does anyone know the whereabouts of Trevor Evans who back then lived in Brackendale Avenue? He would now be in his late 70's. I'd love to find him. Great site. I love it and will be back. |
Sunday July 1, 2012 15:02:43 pm |
Name: |
simon brown |
Town/Country: |
chester |
How I got here: |
Search Engine |
Comments: |
I lived in lancies road basildon in 80s by the shop im trying to find my mum who ive not seen for 20 years she lived on lancies road tell around 92 to 95 them moved just round the corner to sandon Road her name is carol brown may be using her madin name webb Also anyone rember chris brown smoked a pype
Saturday June 2, 2012 08:06:28 am |
Name: |
John Bohea (Jack) |
Town/Country: |
Ipswich |
How I got here: |
Just Surfed In |
Comments: |
It's brilliant to read all these messages on my home town. I moved to Vange in 1942 during the bombing of London. We lived in an old first world war army hut along Timberlog Lane called Jessamine (not sure on the spelling). My dad rented it from a Major Reynolds ? as we had no-where to live. We stayed there for thirteen years believe it or not. It had a tin roof that leaked and we were the only one's to have a flushing toilet (outside of cause) and most of the neighbours used to use it. It had a garden of about 300 ft long. We then moved to 67 The Slades, Vange when given a new 3 bedroom house by Basildon Council, my mum was over the moon, so many mod cons that she had never had. Where Jessamine used to be is now Bardfield Junior School. I would love to see a picture of the old Jessamine if any one knows of one. |
Wednesday May 30, 2012 19:29:55 pm |
Name: |
Robert Falconbridge |
Town/Country: |
Kirkcudbright, Scotland |
How I got here: |
Search Engine |
Comments: |
Does anyone who lived in Laindon in the 1970s remember a wild tranquil pond to the west of Worthing Road and New Century Road. It's long gone of course but I remember as a kid exploring there and seeing a huge amount of dragonflies. |
Saturday April 28, 2012 15:00:26 pm |
Name: |
arthur reader |
Town/Country: |
west sussex |
How I got here: |
Just Surfed In |
Comments: |
Great to see so many old pitsea and basildon names. Played football with Armada bowers and pitsea in the early years of 1953/6. Close friend of Dave Marks we were the Marksman band played regularly at the Railway hotel. Many happy memories |
Wednesday April 25, 2012 19:31:21 pm |
Name: |
Strickland Banks |
Town/Country: |
London |
How I got here: |
Search Engine |
Comments: |
Had a really nice time in Basildon, site had loads of useful info - thanks |
Saturday April 14, 2012 11:18:23 am |
Name: |
Gillian Moore |
Town/Country: |
Sydney Australia |
How I got here: |
Search Engine |
Comments: |
In response to Sue Collingwood entry of September, 2011. Harry George Moore of Moat House farm is my great great grandfather. I have tried emailing you but have received no response. If anyone knows her please pass on this message as we are very happy to share family history with her. |
Thursday March 15, 2012 21:14:24 pm |
Name: |
Tony Brimble |
Town/Country: |
Brisbane Australia |
How I got here: |
Search Engine |
Comments: |
Lived at 101 Curling Tye Basildon 1955-1970. Attended Bryn School. Fond memories of Whitmore Way shops, collecting Tizer bottles and returning them for money. Had my first beer at the Double Six. Fish & chips from Stacey's Corner. Fishing at a place on Whitmore Way (the name escapes me) The Zero Six night club at Southend and the Beer Keller. Worked for T&G Motors driving Tow trucks. The list is endless. |
Tuesday February 28, 2012 11:44:50 am |
Name: |
Wendy McDermott (nee Carey) |
Town/Country: |
France |
How I got here: |
Search Engine |
Comments: |
In response to Maureen Baxter (nee Ridley) posting in the 2007 guestbook
My father built a bungalow in Lillie Avenue, Pitsea. I was 18 months old when we moved to our new Basildon Development Corporation house, as part of the new town housing.
I do not remember Lillie Avenue at all, but do have memories of my sisters talking about the pond and what a fantastic place it was to live, on my sideboard I have a photo of us all outside the front door of the bungalow Dad built. I do beleive my uncles also built houses in the same road.
Great to read all the memories people have of the place. |
Wednesday February 22, 2012 20:31:50 pm |
Name: |
Ruth Murley |
Town/Country: |
woburn, england |
How I got here: |
Search Engine |
Comments: |
I found this site very interesting as I am doing ancestory research and my maiden name was Price. I was born in Laindon in 1953 in the house called Pinjara in Almada Ave. I do not remember this as our family moved to Basildon when I was about 2 years old. My mother lived I believe in Elizabeth Drive, the house called Chenies - her surname was Andrews. My father's name was Thomas Price and his father (my grandfather) Tom Price, built the spiritualist church in Laindon. I do believe he did have healing powers as when I was a child he did indeed lay his hands on me when I was ill and I felt the "power" go thru me! He was said to be a seventh son of a seventh son, and indeed when I researched his family, this is correct!! I can remember going back to Laindon over the years to visit friends and so can remember how Laindon was all those years ago. |
Monday January 16, 2012 07:16:50 am |
Name: |
jeneine |
Town/Country: |
australia |
How I got here: |
Search Engine |
Comments: |
I'm trying to contact any relatives of Jean Valerie Moore (maidien name) who lived on Rectory Road Basildon in the 1950s. Her Dad was a builder. Jean was a telephonist and was interested in amateur dramatics...if anyone can help please contact me at pillbox3@bigpond.com many thanks Jeniene |
Page added: January 2012 |
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