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2009 Forum Threads - January to June

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2009 entries
Click here for July - December entries.
Please be aware contact e-mail addresses of some entries may no longer be valid.

01) Dunton Plotlands - 4 replies.
02) David & The Embers - 4 replies.
03) Cottis the Bakers - 9 replies.
04) History of Basildon - 1 reply.
05) Bowers United
06) The Cubs
07) Swan Mead School - 5 replies.
08) Gloucester Park Lake - 5 replies.
09) Holy Trinity Church and Clubhouse - 5 replies.
10) Barton's the Bakers - 4 replies.
11) Laindon - 2 replies.
12) Searching for old school friends from Laindon High Road School - 3 replies.
13) Tonibell - 4 replies.
14) Great Gregorie Park - 3 replies.
15) Pitsea School Reunion - 1 reply.
16) Roads divided by the A127 - 4 replies.
17) In memory of Fred Rand - 12 replies.
18) Family Tree
19) Berry Lane - 1 reply.
20) Willis family of Berry Lane - 3 replies.
21) The Crane Public House
22) Bull family
23) Alan Wickens - 2 replies.
24) Memories of Basildon - 3 replies.
25) Oakley Bull familys - 2 replies.
26) Staceys Corner - 2 replies.
27) Loverings of Trenham Avenue
28) Drowning at Laindon - 2 replies.
29) Pitsea Market - 13 replies.
30) Gloucester Park
1.  Dunton Plotlands
Posted by Mike Burchett Email User on 10/1/2009, 12:46 pm
I've been taking a keen interest in the plotlands recently. I've been trying to overlay today's map over a plotland map (from Deanne Walker's book). Has anyone tried to do the same thing? It seems as though some of the current footpaths follow some of the original tracks.

Re: Dunton Plotlands
Posted by Jim Green Email User on 19/1/2009, 2:56 pm
Hello Mike, I used to be a postman at Laindon Post Office in the High Road (gone now) and delivered regularly to the Plotlands. From Victoria Road the path through the Plotlands went all the way to Merrylands Chase with bungalows and shacks sited all over the place. There was one shop run by a couple named Robinson who sold just about everything about 100 yards down the path. They were all very nice people who welcomed their 'Postie' We had another postie called George Young and another called Stan Cansdale who lived on the plots.
Yes I remember it well, happy days !!!!!

Re: Dunton Plotlands
Posted by Fred Rand Email User on 25/3/2009, 12:52 pm
Hello Mike, Did you get anywhere with you map overlay also did you find out if some of the new footpaths follow some of the old ones.Regards Fred

Re: Dunton Plotlands
Posted by Prince Vulpine Email User on 28/3/2009, 2:11 pm
The main footpaths at Dunton follow the old plotland roads: First through to Fourth Avenues, and Central and Hillcrest Avenues at the perpendicular.

This happens elsewhere. Most of the main footpaths through Langdon Hills follow plotland roads, especially in Marks Hill Nature Reserve, where the tracks once had evocative names like Albermarle Crescent and Gladstone Road.

Also, many of the roads in the Great Berry estate took the names of their plotland predecessors, such as Egerton Drive, Highbank Drive, Forest Glade etc.

Re: Dunton Plotlands
Posted by vi marshall nee perfect Email User on 27/8/2009, 10:58 am
hi jim I read your message yesterday the 26th. ted is my eldest brother and I must agree he is still a smashing bloke. he still lives in laindon with his wife molly, and his boys and grandkids. I passed on your comments and he wishes you well. bye for now. vi

2.  David & The Embers
Posted by Brian Baylis Email User on 11/1/2009, 11:37 pm
Back in the 60's when the Dave Clark Five were on holiday from the Locarno, another group I remember as David & The Embers played there. Can anybody please tell me what happened to them, e.g., did they ever get any further by changing their name, because I have a record made by them and called 'Teddy Bear Special' and would like to know?

Thank you.

Re: David & The Embers
Posted by Andrea Ash Email User on 13/1/2009, 9:31 pm
I don't personally know but if you were to ring The Richard Spendlove Show, ''Where are they now'' spot - 9pm Saturday evenings BBC Radio Cambridge (pick it up on BBC Essex at same time too), I bet someone would find out for you. There's not much that they haven't been able to answer.

Good luck,


Re: David & The Embers
Posted by Brian Baylis Email User on 14/1/2009, 7:02 pm
Andrea, thank you for reminding me of Richard's programme. I sit here most Saturday nights listening to him, yet never think to ask him. Keep listening now because one Saturday night I will remember to phone in.

I have spoken on air with him before and on railways.

Re: David & The Embers
Posted by Andrea Ash Email User on 15/1/2009, 6:44 pm
Good stuff - I hope you get some luck with that. If I don't listen on the day, I listen during the week on iPlayer. (Were you in the 1958 school photo, if so, where?)
Andrea Ash (nee Pinnell)

Re: David & The Embers
Posted by Robin Lockhart Email User on 26/5/2009, 11:22 pm
I remember David & The Embers. I went to school with David Hamber, the lead singer. He was in Great Burstead church choir with myself. He was about the middle child in quite a large family and they lived at the top of Hickstars Lane, just up the road from me. I still have a copy of Teddy Bear Special and also Chelsea Boots both recorded by Decca in 1963.

3.  Cottis the Bakers
Posted by Fred Rand Email User on 30/1/2009, 10:32 pm
Does anybody remember Tony Parr who was a delivery man for Cottis? He used to come round Plotlands on a horse and cart. He used to turn out in all weathers what an asset he was so reliable.

Re: Cottis the Bakers
Posted by Ken Page Email User on 1/2/2009, 10:15 am
Hy Fred, I remember Tony, he used to come round our way as well. Sometimes I would cadge a ride with him, great place to be when you were a small kid. I was still at primary school, anyone know if he is still with us? PS very hot here in Aust. at the moment, over 43c [114f] send us some rain please, Ken

Re: Cottis the Bakers
Posted by Fred Rand Email User on 2/2/2009, 8:37 am
Hi Ken,Just for the record its freezing here and snowing!!!. As for Tony Parr the last time I saw him was back in 1984 he was involved with a drama group at Woodlands School, he still looked a young man then and we had a fair old chat about the old times, Hope someone will come up with more info on him.All the best to you all in Sunny Australia.Fred.

Re: Cottis the Bakers
Posted by Brian Baylis Email User on 2/2/2009, 11:13 pm
I applied to join Cottis's as an apprentice baker back in 1961, got the job, BUT, I am Still waiting for the letter with a start date.confused.gif

Re: Cottis the Bakers
Posted by Fred Rand Email User on 3/2/2009, 8:40 am
Hi Brian, All I can say is DONT HOLD YOUR BREATH!!!!!!!!!!!.Good job Tony was not that slow.

Re: Cottis the Bakers
Posted by Brian Baylis Email User on 5/2/2009, 5:44 pm
Thanks Fred. You could say I used my loaf and got a job elsewhere I suppose? lol.gif

Re: Cottis the Bakers
Posted by Jim Green Email User on 2/3/2009, 2:52 pm
Yes I remember Cottis the bakers. They had their premises next to the Post Office in the High Road. Many was the time when cycling into work at 5am that the smell of fresh bread baking would be strong in the air. One of the postmen would nip next door and order fresh warm rolls and together with a large cup of tea we would be ready to face the first delivery of the day come rain or shine. Happy days ..........

Re: Cottis the Bakers
Posted by Andrea Email User on 9/3/2009, 7:47 pm
There were two Cottis' Bakers - one over the bridge, and the one you mentioned........ I can still see the face of one of the shop assistants - a little cheery lady but her name escapes me now! May have been Kathy??????

Re: Cottis the Bakers
Posted by David Bailey Email User on 13/5/2009, 4:46 pm
The happy litle lady who worked at Cottis, Laindon Hills was Tina. My mum did their books, everybody knew mum as Babs.

Re: Cottis the Bakers
Posted by Ken Page Email User on 15/5/2009, 12:39 pm
Gday David Bailey ,when are you arriving in Australia mate ,let us know could you ,Ken

4.  History of Basildon
Posted by Mrs Pratt Email User on 6/2/2009, 3:57 pm
My sons school are looking into the history of Basildon this term. Anyone got any interesting tales to share. I was born in Newberry Side on the five links estate in 1972. My family were one of the first families to move onto the estate on a relocate/get a job house package. we should be so lucky now days. any ideas or anyone that would like to share stories or photos with the school. He attends Janet Duke Jnr School on Markhams Chase. thanks Lisa

Re: History of Basildon
Posted by Brian Baylis Email User on 6/2/2009, 8:43 pm
Lisa, I will be only too pleased to help where I can about the Janet Duke School, so will be in touch via E-mail.

5.  Bowers United
Posted by Darren Email User on 9/2/2009, 8:11 pm
Hi all, I'm looking for any information on the football club Bowers United, memories, pictures, anything really, Thanks.

P.S. Does anyone know what newspapers covered the area in the 1940's to the 60's?

6.  The Cubs
Posted by Tony Barnett Email User on 23/2/2009, 6:04 am
Is anyone who went to the Cubs in Basildon still about? circa 1955 to 1957

7.  Swan Mead School
Posted by Tony Barnett Email User on 23/2/2009, 6:01 am
Are there any ex Students and Staff of Swan Mead school alive? circa 1957 1961?

Re: Swan Mead School
Posted by Colin Chittock Email User on 30/6/2009, 5:45 pm
still alive and well and living in basildon i would have been in the 4th year in 1967

Re: Swan Mead School
Posted by Peter Hudson Email User on 17/9/2009, 8:15 pm
hi colin assume you are the same colin who left st nicholas school 73/74 did you end up marrying steves sister

Re: Swan Mead School
Posted by Geoff on 13/10/2009, 4:46 pm
I attended the school from about 1955 to 1958 when I left and went to the secondary school Woodlands in Basildon

Re: Swan Mead School
Posted by Tony Barnett Email User on 13/10/2009, 10:59 pm
Hi Geoff, Thanks for answering the email. It seems you were just ahead of me as I left in 1960. I to then went to Woodlands school for boys. I think Mr Goodfellow was the principle at Swan Mead when I was there. You may well have been in the same year at Woodlands as my brother Barry Barnett.
Cheers Tony

Re: Swan Mead School
Posted by Valerie Wilson Email User on 7/3/2011, 12:53 pm
Great school, Wish i could repeat all over again. I went in 1957-1962. Valerie ...

8.  Gloucester Park Lake
Posted by GRK Email User on 26/2/2009, 10:00 am
Back in the early 1970s when they were digging out the lake, they came across a lot of live ammunition left over from World War 2. There was a piece in the Evening Echo by the Police advising children not to remove any bullets etc. Does anybody know if there was an army camp in this area?

Re: Gloucester Park Lake
Posted by Andrea Email User on 6/3/2009, 7:56 pm
I only knew of the army camp up at Langdon Hills past the Crown??


Re: Gloucester Park Lake
Posted by Fred Rand Email User on 7/3/2009, 9:21 am
Hi GRK, There might be a simple explanation for this find,from 1955-1958 I was in the army and on Bomb Disposal,we often used to get called out to finds like this most of the find were caused by the old home guard not knowing what to do with the ammo after the war they just buried it, We used to find Live rounds, hand grenades, and home made Molotov Cocktails,There are still loads of this stuff laying around.Regards Fred.

Re: Gloucester Park Lake
Posted by Andrea Email User on 9/3/2009, 7:29 pm
Did you also know that there is supposed to be a car at the bottom of the lake? (the one with the three bridges over it) one one end, and two the other end. Life ring marks it. Understand it was driven there years ago before the trees were matured, it was just a field............

Re: Gloucester Park Lake
Posted by Ashley Sinclair on 9/4/2009, 1:37 pm
I looked at a map of Steeple View circa 1958 and there was a TA (Territorial Army?) Centre on Church Road near the A127, Noak Hill Road (A176) now runs over where it once stood.

Re: Gloucester Park Lake
Posted by Nobby Email User on 24/6/2009, 9:07 pm
No car in the Gloucester Park Lake, unless someone drove it in there just before they filled it with water

9.  Holy Trinity Church and Clubhouse
Posted by Jim Green Email User on 2/3/2009, 3:04 pm
Is anybody out there who used to go to Anne Line school, or attended the clubhouse facilities at Holy Trinity club? It was a very popular club (now sadly closed) and I met lots of nice folks there and swapped yarns over a pint or two. All our kids went to the Anne Line school where Jim Fox was headmaster and a great fellow too. We lived in Gladwyns off Ballards Walk at the time. Does anyone remember ???

Re: Holy Trinity Church and Clubhouse
Posted by Glenn Email User on 23/4/2009, 4:59 am
Hello jim, You must know me, cos i lived next door to you in gladwyns.
Yes the Holy Trinity Club was ok, shame in shut down.
Hope you and pat and rest of family are ok, would love to hear from paul.

Re: Holy Trinity Church and Clubhouse
Posted by Jim Green Email User on 23/4/2009, 12:55 pm
Hello Glen/Paul, got your message today and it was lovely to hear from you. Yes I miss the old Holy Trinity club very much but in case you didn't know, we now live in Cyprus. We moved from Gladwyns in 2003 and live a lovely life here in the sunshine. Best move we ever made. Please say 'hello' to your Mum and Dad from us and let us know all the news about yourselves when you get time. Take care, Jim & Pat. xx

Re: Holy Trinity Church and Clubhouse
Posted by Glenn Email User on 23/4/2009, 7:28 pm
I have been trying to find your son paul on Friends Reunited, but cant find him? Is he here in Cyprus with you?
My mum/dad did tell me you moved, Cyprus is a place i always wanted to go to, but it cost too much.
Will say hello to mum/dad from you.
Have you an Email address, or you can send me message on friends site, so no one on here can see your Email address.

Re: Holy Trinity Church and Clubhouse
Posted by Jim Green Email User on 25/4/2009, 2:37 pm
Glen, Paul is still in Basildon and you can get him on 'Facebook. I don't mind people seeing my e-mail address so here it is.
If you can't get hold of Paul i'll let you have his e-mail address but I'll have to ask him first. If you have the time, get in touch with all the latest news we would love to hear from you.

Re: Holy Trinity Church and Clubhouse
Posted by Glenn Email User on 25/4/2009, 8:03 pm
Ok thanks jim/pat. i will email you soon, and get my mum/dad to email you to.
I have looked on facebook, but there are 100s of paul greens, so i have not found him.

10.  Barton's the Bakers
Posted by Fred Rand Email User on 7/3/2009, 9:25 am
Are there any old Bartons workers looking at this site, I worked there from 1969 till 1977 in the workshop servicing all the vans, I would love to hear from any one still about who worked there, Drivers,Bakery workers, cleaners in fact any one who worked there,Fred.

Re: Barton's the Bakers
Posted by Brian Baylis Email User on 15/4/2009, 11:46 pm
While Fred may have passed to the World of Spirit as I know it, I also worked at Barton's for a couple of months, putting the jam into doughnuts and so might well have got to work with him, but sadly failed to inform him after he posted this.

Re: Barton's the Bakers
Posted by Debbie Email User on 5/5/2009, 4:20 pm
I used to work on a bakers delivery van as a saturday girl. I was only 10 years old, but remember it very well. Going to pick up the rolls, bread, proper jam doughnuts and cakes.
A friend of my husbands worked there, Len Willis, who sadly has passed now. They were the good old days.

Re: Barton's the Bakers
Posted by Dave Tuting Email User on 2/1/2010, 10:39 am
I worked at Barton's in Laindon Shopping Centre in the mid 70's on Saturdays as a baker with the two permanent bakers Ray and Pete. As I remember, Ray was partially disabled but still worked like a trojan!
I remember starting work at 1am on a couple of occasions during the Bakers strike and taking home about half a dozen loaves in a flour sack before the shop opened!
We couldn't get the bread out of the ovens quick enough and the girls were wearing bakers gloves to handle the hot bread!
I dated a lovely girl who worked there, Jackie Lemon, but sadly we parted some time after I left the bakery.
I vaguely remember the manageress. Think her name was Muriel or something similar.

Great site, I love it!


Re: Barton's the Bakers
Posted by Kay Laney Email User on 14/7/2011, 1:10 pm
One of my earliest memories was my big brother Paul Wood working at Bartons in the 1970's. He still lives in Basildon, and is now 50, a father of four and grandfather of 2. I have moved to Suffolk, but both my children were born in Basildon Hospital, and I will always have great memories of growing up in Roodegate and Ghyllgrove School.

11.  Laindon
Posted by Keith Nock Email User on 17/3/2009, 10:47 am
hi i was born in laindon in 1950 at a bungalow called ashdene on the A127. went to laindon high rd school 1961 to 1965 great memories there now its all gone. i worked at tonibell ice cream depot at bentalls for 15yrs then moved to royston ave. such a peaceful rd laindon was such a lovely village now its changed so much. there is a talk on laindon at laindon library 29th april thanks for great website keith nock

Re: Laindon
Posted by Vi Marshall nee Perfect on 17/3/2009, 1:04 pm
hello keith, read your message about laindon today. i was born in 1942 i lived on basildon road opposite the country club and it was a great little place. i too went to laindon high road school. i wonder did you you go to nicholas lane school or donaldsons as we used to call it. i have a brother called eddie perfect who lives on royston avenue. i havent been back for quite a long time but i am in touch with what is happening around the old places. such a shame about the old school being pulled down. still that's progress i suppose. bye for now vi marshall

Re: Laindon
Posted by Keith Nock Email User on 17/3/2009, 4:39 pm
hi vi thanks for message i know eddie and molly well i often pop in and see them. my mum lived at no 10. i went to laindon park basildon rd was such a lovely rd remember walking through it as a kid it seems such a shame its changed so much regards keith

12.  Searching for old school friends from Laindon High Road School
Posted by Keith Nock Email User on 19/3/2009, 4:10 pm
hi i went to laindon high rd school between 1961 and 1965. i remember mr hughes, mr cluff, mr turner and mr lane as some of the teachers. some of my friends were eric stevens, john earp, frances tyler, duncan bell and kevin brown. i was wondering if anybody remembers me?
regards keith nock

Re: Searching for old school friends from Laindon High Road School
Posted by Peter Hudson Email User on 17/9/2009, 8:10 pm
I knew the latarche or luckman brothers who went to laindon school do you remember them??

Re: Searching for old school friends from Laindon High Road School
Posted by Keith Nock Email User on 18/9/2009, 1:18 pm
hi peter no i dont remember either brothers your name rings a bell what year did you start and leave high rd regards keith

Re: Searching for old school friends from Laindon High Road School
Posted by Peter Hudson Email User on 19/9/2009, 1:15 pm
sorry keith i went to nicholas left 1973 i have a brother mark, who also went to st nich

13.  Tonibell
Posted by Keith Nock Email User on 28/3/2009, 12:06 pm
hi I wonder if anyone can help me I am interested in photos of tonibell. I worked there for many years at bentalls depot has anyone any info on them regards keith

Re: Tonibell
Posted by Memory Man Email User on 4/9/2009, 4:41 pm
Keith, andy chapman works at one stop ices which gary levine runs, (tom) Ray levines Son. Phone no in yellow pages.

Re: Tonibell
Posted by Keith Nock Email User on 4/9/2009, 6:35 pm
thanks memory man just info i needed will phone gary best wishes keith

Re: Tonibell
Posted by Gary Rich Email User on 27/5/2010, 9:50 pm
Hi to all you veterans of them great days back in tonibell, the land of the famous pinks and blue vans, just reading your threads, my father and all his friends worked/had their vans in gravesend and catford depot, which when ron peters was about all used to travel over the the hotel in basildon for the evening out with all management and mobilers. I sadly have lost my father and me and my 14 year old son are looking for as many pictures of the great pink bedford vans of them great years to finish our quest of capturing just how great they were. I also have tonibell ice cream vans to day finished in the original Pink "Kinky Pink" that work in the Kent and Bromley area. If anyone has or can send me any related photos or have in there posession tonibell related stickers or mini ball that I could copy to add to my growing web site, it would be fantastic. My aim this year is to have a web site just for all the original mobilers of both sides of the river as well as Harlow that will be soley for tonibell, please if anyone can send over to me and spread the word on pictures or even any vans CA or CF sitting idle ready for a refurb let us know, would love to hear from anyone. I am only a nipper back then but can remember great memories and times. Thanks for reading and please any pictures relating to tonibell.

Re: Tonibell
Posted by Keith Nock Email User on 28/5/2010, 5:46 pm
hi gary I have some photos of tonibell vans which I will gladly post off to you if you email me your address. I worked as fitter at depot at bentalls for quite a few years andy chaplin worked at catford depot for a while great days now in this area you hardly see tonibell vans best wishes keith

14.  Great Gregorie Park
Posted by Dave Email User on 8/4/2009, 8:12 pm
Hi, please can someone put me out of my misery. Does anyone remember an Aircraft placed on top of the hill at the Ardleigh end of the park. It would of been approx 1976-1982. Many thanksconfused.gif

Re: Great Gregorie Park
Posted by Ellen Email User on 9/4/2009, 11:25 am
Dave there's another thread on this from a while back, I think this will answer your question.

Aeroplane Park

Re: Great Gregorie Park
Posted by Glenn Email User on 23/4/2009, 6:23 pm
Yes i remember that Aircraft in that park, WOW i had some good times over there with my mates, paul green, rob wood, and the others, wow where has the time gone lol

Re: Great Gregorie Park
Posted by Jane Email User on 6/3/2011, 6:33 pm
Has anyone got any photos of the park please? Our house used to back onto it.

15.  Pitsea School Reunion
Posted by Margaret Hickman Email User on 8/4/2009, 10:09 pm
Thoroughly enjoyed the people I managed to meet at the Pitsea School Reunion - but why oh why were we crammed into two corridors when the main hall was not being used.

Re: Pitsea School Reunion
Posted by Ron Cole Email User on 21/5/2009, 11:37 am
GOOD DAY YOU LOT.tongue.gif

16.  Roads divided by the A127
Posted by Ashley Sinclair on 9/4/2009, 5:00 pm
Hi, does anyone know what period of time roads such as Church Road, Pound Lane, Gardiners Lane, Pipps Hill Road were changed so that you couldn't cross the A127 using them?

Thanks, Ash

Re: Roads divided by the A127
Posted by FRED RAND Email User on 10/4/2009, 1:56 pm
Hi Ash, I was on the buses in 1959 running out of Bull Road and we used to do a Laindon Circular route that crossed over the 127 at Pipps Hill. I left the Eastern National in 1960 but came back in 1962 and it must have been between those years that they closed the crossings as they were shut when I came back. I think that one of the reasons they closed all crossings off the 127 was because there was a serious accident at the Harrows Pub when a motorcyclist went right through a coach. Hope this throws some light on your question. Regards Fred.

Re: Roads divided by the A127
Posted by Keith Nock Email User on 14/4/2009, 10:33 am
hi i livid in a bungalow on the A127 between church rd and flyover. when i went to laindon park school, which was 1956 to 1961, the road was shut off later part of my time there. hope it helps, regards keith

Re: Roads divided by the A127
Posted by Ashley Sinclair Email User on 7/6/2009, 7:22 pm
Thanks for your replies, much appreciated. I see they're tidying up the Fortune of War roundabout, there's what appears to be the remains of the crossroads signpost in the middle, too dangerous to get close to it though sad.gif

Re: Roads divided by the A127
Posted by Jo-Ann Ingram (Smith) Email User on 2/12/2011, 11:01 pm
remember the accident at the Harrows Inn pub A127, so many accidents on that part of road, best thing they ever did, a pain if u live there, as I did.

17.  In memory of Fred Rand
Posted by Admin on 14/4/2009, 1:47 pm
I learnt yesterday that Fred Rand, a regular contributor to this message board, has passed away. He moved to Norfolk in the 1980s but spent many years in Langdon Hills, having once lived at Highland Gardens on the Berry Park Estate in a plotland type property, and later in the new town itself at Butneys.
He wrote a piece for 'Basildon Stories' and last posted here as recently as 10th April and I'm sure I speak for everyone by saying his contributions will be greatly missed.
Bill (Admin).

Re: In memory of Fred Rand
Posted by Brian Baylis Email User on 14/4/2009, 9:34 pm
Until last week, I was getting almost daily E-mails from Fred and we had planned to meet up later this year sometime, visiting our old haunts. I currently live about 40 miles away, had never met, but so much wanted to and back in Laindon.

Rest in Peace Fred and knowing that what you contributed to this site is greatly appreciated by many. Thank You and God Bless.

Re: In memory of Fred Rand
Posted by Andrea Email User on 14/4/2009, 10:18 pm
I am so sorry to hear about Fred and would like to convey my condolences to his family. We greatly enjoyed his little notes to us and all the subjects he covered. We will miss him. Rest in Peace Fred.

Andrea and Chris

Re: In memory of Fred Rand
Posted by Ken Page Email User on 15/4/2009, 5:03 am
I lived on the same estate as Fred back in the 50s, he later moved to the Butneys in Basildon just a few doors from our closest friends [Nashes also from the plotlands]. Fred and Laindons somewhat wilder element of lads were well known to most locals, a bit rough around the edges but basically ok blokes. It has given me great pleasure to be in touch once again with Fred and some others from my past in Laindon, Fred jogged my memory on many occasions of the past and I will miss his almost daily e/mails, hope the fish are biting Fred, RIP, condolences to his family and friends, Ken Page [Australia]

Re: In memory of Fred Rand
Posted by Keith Nock Email User on 16/4/2009, 8:23 am
hi didnt know fred but enjoyed his stories so much how much we will miss you rest in peace fred regards keith

Re: In memory of Fred Rand
Posted by Jo & Eddie Morris Email User on 17/4/2009, 11:44 am
We are so sorry to hear about Fred Rand, we have only just got back knowing each other after 50 years. Since we moved away to Australia. We have been in touch every week or 2 since finding each other again and it was always good to hear from him and to know how he was getting on.
We will miss the chats all being by the Net!! We send our love to his family and are thinking of them at this time. from Jo & Eddie Morris. Melbourne, Australia.

Re: In memory of Fred Rand
Posted by Vic Wiles on 17/4/2009, 12:17 pm
I spoke to Freds wife on the telephone yesterday and she said the site and being able to contact old friends from many years ago made him very happy so thanks from her and from me a friend of a mere 48 years Vic Wiles

Re: In memory of Fred Rand
Posted by Jim Green Email User on 17/4/2009, 2:11 pm
I'm so shocked to hear about Fred. I have only been chatting to him for a couple of months on computer and received a story from him only a few weeks ago. I have been meaning to reply on his news until I heard from Ken Page about his sad departure. A very funny and knowledgable man especially about Laindon and Basildon. My deepest sympathy to all who survive such a lovely chap.

Re: In memory of Fred Rand
Posted by Brian Markin Email User on 16/5/2009, 7:00 pm
Brian Markin

Re: In memory of Fred Rand
Posted by Ashley Sinclair Email User on 7/6/2009, 7:45 pm
Sad to hear of Fred's passing, he'd posted a reply to my query on April 10th, as well as in the past. R.I.P. sir

Re: In memory of Fred Rand
Posted by Colin Clarke Email User on 18/8/2009, 12:06 am
I would like to add our condolences to Fred's family, he contacted my wife and myself regularly and always brought cheer in his emails. When he and Ernie Byron (my wife's cousin who has also passed away) used to race stock cars we tried never to miss a race and of course, in the Laindon community, they were our racing stars! Two of the Laindon boys main stays, we will always have fond memories of Fred and Ernie.

Re: In memory of Fred Rand
Posted by Frank Dowdall Email User on 18/9/2009, 11:05 am
I have only just found this site and was shocked to see that Fred Rand had passed away I have always wondered where he moved to when he left Basildon we just drifted apart.
Fred was my driver on london transport we had some really good fun I will always remember and I do still talk about it. Fred bought a hearse fron tilbury and we used to go to work in this vehicle until the manager stopped us parking in the bus garage. Happy Days

Re: In memory of Fred Rand
Posted by Brian Baylis Email User on 19/11/2009, 11:44 pm
It just doesn't seem over 6 months since Dear Fred passed away. To this day, I miss his postings and the intended meet with him this summer.

18.  Family Tree
Posted by Vic Wiles on 28/4/2009, 12:06 pm
I have been tracing my family tree and have found a grandfather and a great grandfather and various in laws and other family members living in Vange in the early 1890s. They moved from Milton in Kent to work in the Vange Brickfields, grandfather Wiles was a brick moulder and his father in law was the brickfield foreman. Are there any other readers out there with ancestors who lived in Vange about the same time?
Vic Wiles

19.  Berry Lane
Posted by Mousy Email User on 4/5/2009, 11:49 am
hi does anyone know of this address or the people who lived's Gleanings, Berry Lane, Laindon......and one of the people who lived there was a noel eric willis he was a draughtsman.
he lived there in 1954 and 1955 definately as vits on his marriage cert when he married his second wife doris in 1955. thank yousmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

Re: Berry Lane
Posted by Brian Baylis Email User on 23/5/2009, 12:45 am
Sorry Mousey, but Berry Lane was across the bridge at the station and in Langdon Hills, for what it matters.

Check on this website for the names of dwellings and then hopefully, you will find those you seek.

20.  Willis family of Berry Lane
Posted by Mousy Email User on 4/5/2009, 12:00 pm
hi does anyone remember a noel eric willis living at gleanings berry lane laindon in 1954???? he married his second wife doris fisher in febuary 1955. noel willis was a draughstman......thank you mousyhappy.gif

Re: Willis family of Berry Lane
Posted by Rick Email User on 15/5/2009, 2:36 am
We had a Willis family in Theydon Crescent, Basildon (back in 1959) and the fathers' name was Eric Willis, but he was married to Ursula, and they had 3 kids at that stage from memory..(Micheal/Leonard - Twins, and Erica).
They actually followed us out to OZ (we left in 1959, and they left in 1962-ish). Any help..? or a different mob..?

Re: Willis family of Berry Lane
Posted by Mousy Email User on 23/5/2009, 11:31 am
sorry its a different lot......but thank you anywaycute.gifcute.gifcute.gif

Re: Willis family of Berry Lane
Posted by Peter Hudson Email User on 19/9/2009, 2:02 pm
i knew a david willis. he was the son of a workmate of my dads i believe (did he move to billericay?)

21.  The Crane Public House
Posted by Michael Healy Email User on 8/5/2009, 8:34 pm
Hi all,

I was wondering if you could help me......

I am looking for information about the Crane Pub, Denys Drive.

What I do know is that it was the first New Town Public House built, back in 1954. It was opened by the Whitbread Brewery and the Landlady at the time of opening was possibly called Mrs Walker?

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

If you used to drink there in the early days and can tell me more, then I would love to hear from you.

Many Thanks and Regards
Michael Healy

22.  Bull family
Posted by Keith Nock Email User on 11/5/2009, 10:40 am
hi i am trying to do a family tree on the bull family who originally came from south green, billericay. my grandad's name was william he married ann oakley from laindon. i wonder if anyone could help me? regards keith

23.  Alan Wickens
Posted by Peter Hughes Email User on 13/5/2009, 8:25 pm
It is with a very sad heart and deep regret to inform any persons that know Alan Wickens, past or present, that on 12th May 2009 he sadly passed away. Anybody that knows Alan (from the spooks days, or otherwise) is very welcome to attend the Funeral at Braintree crematorium on Friday 22nd May 2009 @ 10:30am

Re: Alan Wickens
Posted by Alan Taylor Email User on 14/5/2009, 10:48 pm
Hello. I won't be able to attend AW's funeral but I would like to send a card. Would you have an address that would be appropriate?

Regards, Alan Taylor

Re: Alan Wickens
Posted by Peter Hughes Email User on 15/5/2009, 6:53 am
Hi Alan.

Postal address sent via email.

Many thanks

24.  Memories of Basildon
Posted by Paul Finucane Email User on 19/5/2009, 11:35 pm
I grew up in basildon in the 70s & 80s & thought i should share some of them.

I remember the following:

The ABC Cinema being built and the multi story nearby.

The weird kind of wirey sculpture being put up for the first time on the wall near the post office which is now part of pizza hut or pizza express.

Birds the DIY shop (A sad loss)

Tesco (where qd is now), caters & some other supermarket from years before.

M&S being built, the pool club & the new yorker

the annual fishing competition at gloucester park.

the fishing shop in (I think nether priors) and being excited as if you were the 1st customer of the day on a saturday you got a free bag of groundbait.

judo with alf street at the castle mayne hall and at the marconi social club.

littlewoods stores with their great cafe

eastgate & savacentre being built

michael bentine opening the pussywillow clock in eastgate

meeting trevor brooking and alan devonshire at the new (at the time) sports shop in the town centre.

Springfield Junior School

Woodlands School

Fryerns School

the list goes on & on but great memories :-)

Happy days - well most of em !

Re: Memories of Basildon
Posted by Jess Pearce Email User on 5/6/2009, 12:14 pm
Hi I am what they called second generation originals, as I was born in Great Gregorie. Our family moved to Basildon as my grandad helped to build the Shell Haven oil refinery and were given a council house in Theydon Crescent. My mum says she can remember going along the road, when it was still being built, and they were given a few sets of keys and given the choice of which house they wanted! I was also the first baby to be Christened at the United Reformed Church at the bottom of Whitmore Way. I was also one of the first pupils at Ghyllgrove School, when the Green hills were nick named the mud hills as the trucks were dumping all the mud from where the town was being built. The first truck load of mud dumped, (before that the area was flat) almost killed my auntie on her bike. Many more memories are hiding in my head!

Re: Memories of Basildon
Posted by Dave Oakley Email User on 6/6/2009, 5:39 am
Hi jess welcome to the message board, I'm sure, as you read the messages and peruse the rest of the website many of those hidden memories will come to light.--regards Dave

Re: Memories of Basildon
Posted by Andrea Email User on 7/6/2009, 5:58 pm
and the wonderful MAC Fisheries!

25.  Oakley Bull familys
Posted by Keith Nock Email User on 22/5/2009, 1:30 pm
hi i wonder if there is anyone who is related to the Oakley family from laindon or Bull family from laindon or billericay. iam doing family tree looking for photos or information regards keith

Re: Oakley Bull familys
Posted by Dave Oakley Email User on 24/5/2009, 12:47 am Hi Keith im an Oakley as you can see, however my background is Dagenham/Upminster and that general area, we didnt arrive in Basildon until 1961, sorry this has not helped at all.--- dave o.cry.gif

Re: Oakley Bull familys
Posted by Keith Nock Email User on 24/5/2009, 11:08 am
hi dave thanks for message my family came from laindon and billericay though some of family lived in orsett thanks again regards keith

26.  Staceys Corner
Posted by Duncan Email User on 26/5/2009, 8:51 pm
Hi I am looking for information/photographs of Staceys Corner and Mopsies Park 1930s - 1950s. Staceys Corner was named after my late nan and Mopsies Park was named after her property.

Re: Staceys Corner
Posted by Jess Pearce Email User on 5/6/2009, 12:08 pm
Hi, I dont have any photos, but there is a website called Friths old photos, they do have some of Timberlog Lane and the areas. I do remember the old cottages that were at the front of the park and when they burnt down, I was only small so don't remember anything more.

Re: Staceys Corner
Posted by Sue Randle Email User on 22/1/2010, 12:54 pm
There are photographs of Staceys Corner in the Archives in the Boat Museum at Wat Tyler Park.

27.  Loverings of Trenham Avenue
Posted by Pat Email User on 26/5/2009, 6:54 pm
does anyone remember the loverings of trenham avenue, pitsea?

28.  Drowning at Laindon
Posted by Keith Nock Email User on 3/6/2009, 10:00 pm
hi i wonder if any one could help me i am looking for info on two boys who drowned at 12 tree pond in buckenhams fields off wash rd laindon has anyone got any newspaper cuttings it happened winter 1940-41 regards keith

Re: Drowning at Laindon
Posted by Violet Marshall Email User on 22/6/2009, 11:17 am
hi keith, i read your latest message and with a bit of help from my daughter paula we did a bit of research on the internet and came up with the following info, this was from the laindon echo.
two boys drowned at twelve trees farm buckenham fields. they were brothers, but aged 16 and 18. the name of the informant was a mr robert hickman. i havent found out anything else yet, but i hope this can help you with your research
i hope things are ok down in good old laindon
talk again soon bye vi marshall nee perfect.

Re: Drowning at Laindon
Posted by Keith Nock Email User on 22/6/2009, 7:14 pm
hi violet thanks for that. their names was gerald and walter flint, they were 5 and 7 and died in early 1941. what year was it in echo? saw your brother in basildon this morning speak to you soon keith

29.  Pitsea Market
Posted by Michael Leigh Email User on 12/6/2009, 2:11 pm
I have fond memories of the old Pitsea Market when it still occupied a site behind the Century Cinema in Station Road. Anyone remember Alf "the market man"? He used to attract a big crowd there every week selling stuff at knock down prices. I first started buying records as a teenager at a wonderful stall that sold ex-juke box 45's with the hole punched out of the middle. Also fondly remembered -the old stall that sold american comics. I always bought a few after the Saturday Morning Matinee at the Century cinema. Two bob pocket money used to go a long way in those days!

Re: Pitsea Market
Posted by Brian Baylis Email User on 12/6/2009, 8:44 pm
Cor blimey Michael, I sure remember Alf. My Mum would take us there almost weekly and I Hated it, but did enjoy watching Alf selling his wares. More often than not, Mum would buy something from him, but then he WAS genuine.

Re: Pitsea Market
Posted by Colin Clarke Email User on 13/6/2009, 12:33 am
Yes Michael, I remember this well, especially as I worked for the chap who used to sell the records at this and other markets throughout the south east. We traded as "Johns records" if I remember correctly, and we used to supply most of the juke box companies with the new records and re-sell the removed discs. But most of all, I remember the cafe at the front with the best tea for miles!

Re: Pitsea Market
Posted by Pat Email User on 16/6/2009, 10:17 pm
i remember getting the bus in Kenneth rd with my gran & going to the old Pitsea Market. We waited for my aunt to get off the train & join us. i remember the food hall & the stall that sold earrings & necklaces. As a 6 year old i loved it.

Re: Pitsea Market
Posted by Pat Skeels Email User on 16/6/2009, 10:20 pm
Went back to see the market, some years ago, to find it had changed location.

Re: Pitsea Market
Posted by michael leigh Email User on 17/6/2009, 12:33 pm
The last time I saw it had moved to the other side of the main Southend road, where all the shops are. Before that it occupied four big plastic domes opposite for a number of years. But I remember it as a ramshackle arrangement of corrogated iron sheds behind the cinema down Station Road. It had a bit of character back then. All markets tend to look the same these days. That's progress I guess!

Re: Pitsea Market
Posted by John Hammerslag Email User on 8/7/2009, 4:57 am
As a local kid I lived very close to the original Pitsea Market site located in Station Lane, which of course made me very close to the local cinema. Being so close to everything made Saturday for me a great day, with the choice of going to the morning movies or the market or both. Sadly most of the time the jumble of corrugated iron sheds and old wooden stalls of the market remained unoccupied, so naturally it was a great thrill for me to see the place come alive on market day. People came from miles around to the market hoping to gain a bargain, or just be entertained by all the colourful sales pitches, and to experience the general atmosphere. Having a market in Pitsea was very important for the local district in those days, since the other closest markets operating were at Wickford and Romford. Alf the Market Man (Alf Cohen) was probably one of the most vocal and well known stallholder's, but others do remain in my memory, like the Indian man who sold very hot throat lozenges that he neatly displayed in piles on a table. Even a penny would buy you something at the market, and being soon after the restrictions of wartime, any new toy or gadget was considered to be a marvel. Apart from the great variety of stalls I remember in earlier times they kept livestock penned in an open area out the back of the market - super smelly on a hot day.

As someone who has lived in Australia for 45 years the market scene of those early days will always remain a fond memory of my childhood.

Re: Pitsea Market
Posted by Shaun Clifford Email User on 8/7/2009, 9:31 am
We moved to Basildon in 1960 from Clapham in London. My dad and I travelled down in the back of the furniture truck, there was plenty of room, we only had a couple of beds, and a kitchen table!
The first job that I ever had was when I worked for Alf _ _ _ _ ? who sold fabrics on the market. He used to call himself Alf the Jew, his words, not mine. I was about 9 at the time (tell young people that today, and they won't believe you)
Does anyone remember the lady who used to pull live eels out of a timber barrel, and chop them up before your eyes. She had the reddest arms I've ever seen!
When we first arrived in Basildon, we had our bread delivered by horse & cart. Woolworths was a caravan near Basildon market.
We lived in Lindsell Lane (number 11 I think, but later, they changed all the numbers)
My sisters & I had a very happy childhood, we were surrounded by fields, and we either walked or biked everywhere, even to Southend-on-Sea.

Shaun Clifford - Perth, Western Australia (resident here for over 35 years)

Re: Pitsea Market
Posted by Michael Leigh Email User on 8/7/2009, 11:44 am
Your name rings a bell for me somehow Shaun- did you go to Timberlog Lane school?
I wonder if that was the same Alf who sold all the tat and drew quite a crowd each week with his banter?
I don't remember the eels - sounds horrific! I do remember a great antique/junk stall where I bought a photo album for a few pence which I still have today though it's falling to bits - a bit like me!
Yes, it was all fields and old decrepid bungalows around us in Luncies Road. Great place for kids to play- go scrumping, catch tiddlers and newts etc.

Re: Pitsea Market
Posted by Shaun Clifford Email User on 15/7/2009, 2:42 pm
Hello Michael,

Yes, I remember you very well. I went to Greensted Primary school with you & your sister.

I was back in the UK at Easter for my Nephews wedding, and I caught up with Tony Weston & Clifford Buick, plus a bunch of girls who I used to go to school with. It would be nice to hear from you, you can reach me at

Shaun Clifford

Re: Pitsea Market
Posted by Hazel Email User on 2/8/2009, 11:03 am
Hello to all, Pitsea markets well remembered tell me did we all end up in Australia im amazed at how many of us are now living here? My grandparents lived on Rectory Road no 124 to be correct and had four children Harold, Shirley, Carol and Eileen Matheson and as a little girl i was taken to the markets on a regular basis by different family members. My mums dad was station master for a while at Pitsea station and my mum worked for Mr King at the butchers, there are a couple of family members over here who should and could write a book on Pitsea kind
regards Hazel.

Re: Pitsea Market
Posted by Jack Fisher Email User on 1/3/2010, 4:14 pm
I remember the market very well. I would go round the market after I had shown the films to the Children on a Saturday morning matinee. At night the stalls came in handy for courting on. In the past the trains were packed with people going to the market.

Re: Pitsea Market
Posted by Jack Fisher Email User on 1/3/2010, 4:16 pm
Yes they did sell livestock at the market. It was originaly opened as a poultry market. Chickens, Goats and Geese were a common site. In my days as a boy there was a market at Stanford-le-Hope as well. Where I lived at the Five Bells it was either Pitsea or Stanford for our Saturday morning Pictures and always the market after spending our bus fair and having to walk back.

Re: Pitsea Market
Posted by Jo-Ann Ingram (Smith) Email User on 2/12/2011, 10:56 pm
I had a stall in the old market, in one the sheds near Alf the marketman. Later on he had a wholesalers in Rochford. Bargains bought and sold there then.

30.  Gloucester Park
Posted by Jess Pearce Email User on 15/6/2009, 10:48 am
Hi peoples can anyone remember the placard waving demo of kids back in the sixties when they tried to hold an old car rally on our playing fields before the 'lakes' were developed? Somewhere I have photos of us kids holding these boards trying to stop the council men putting roping around for the car to be displayed. This was before the tennis courts, before the playleadership centre, (it was a garden shed then, literally!), and we all marched into town. We were chanting and singing outside the council offices when they were still in temporary offices, opposite the market when Fodderwick was still a real road.
Love to hear from any fellow campaigners!!

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