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2007 Forum Threads - January to June
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2007 entries Click here for July - December entries. Please be aware contact e-mail
addresses of some entries may no longer be valid.
01) Obituary Lookup Request Laindon Recorder |
02) House called "ONCLAYD" in Langdon Hills |
03) Land at Brickfield Road, Vange - 1 reply. |
04) Aeroplane Park - Lee Chapel South - 13 replies. |
05) Basildon's Musical Heritage - 1 reply. |
06) No.6 Tyler Avenue, Laindon - 4 replies. |
07) Gloucester Park Swimming Pool - 1 reply. |
08) Laindon Filling Station - 3 replies. |
09) Yazoo - 2 replies. |
10) Steam Trains - 7 replies. |
11) Farmfoods Store, Pitsea |
12) Tonibell Van Drivers - 13 replies. |
13) Wilf and Agnes Smith - 1 reply. |
14) Laindon High Road School - 15 replies. |
1. Obituary Lookup Request Laindon Recorder |
Posted by Tom Cooper on 2/1/2007, 7:06 pm
My great-grandparents removed to Laindon from Walworth in South London in about 1940 or 1941,
to a weekend home they built in the mid 1930s called "Homeland" which was located on the corner
of Norfolk Road and Durham Road. My great-granddad George Edward Cooper died on 21 Mar
1948 (age 76) at his home, my great-grandmother Mary Ann Caroline "Polly" Cooper Honeyball
(she married Walter Honeyball in 1953 when she was 82!) died on 19 Feb 1954 (age 83) at St.
Andrew's Hospital in Billericay. I was wondering if some kind person with access to the old
Laindon Recorder newspaper could check to see if obituaries or notices of their deaths
appeared in that publication. Thanks, Tom Cooper
2. House called "ONCLAYD" in Langdon Hills |
Posted by Gail on 11/1/2007, 3:44 pm
3. Land at Brickfield Road, Vange |
Posted by Worried on 12/2/2007, 3:28 pm
This peice of land,where the bootsale is held is being sold at auction on 28 february
2007. This will be the end of an era for most of the residends of vange as its the very last
safe playing area for many people. Who will buy it???.
Re: Land at Brickfield Road, Vange
Posted by Frustrated O.A.P. on 4/7/2007, 1:58 pm
4. Aeroplane Park - Lee Chapel South |
Posted by Dave on 17/2/2007, 11:54 am
The following comment was posted on YouTube (just search for Laindon, Basildon, Essex, England,
May 2004) braindeny (1 month ago) Behind Laindon Link there was the aeroplane park,
so-called because there was a old fighter plane put there for kids to get cut on, these new
town planners had a great sense of humour, man. I sort of remember something, just wondered
if anyone else does...?
Editor: The website link with this entry no longer resolves.
Link: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-kTJ7XkTTp8)
Re: Aeroplane Park - Lee Chapel South
Posted by Lee on 20/2/2007, 2:19 pm
yeah they also had a rotten old tractor in a park where i used to live just of whitmore way
behind where the double six used to be
Re: Aeroplane Park - Lee Chapel South
Posted by Gary on 11/3/2007, 8:35 pm
I remember an old aeroplane in the park in the early 1970s. It still had the control column. I
don't think it was a fighter plane. It was silver and had English markings. I think it was a
de havilland chipmonk.
Re: Aeroplane Park - Lee Chapel South
Posted by Ellen on 6/4/2007, 4:37 pm
The 'Aeroplane Park' is in fact in Great Gregorie in Lee Chapel South.
The park was
designed by Pat Dawson, Chief Architect of the now defunct Basildon Development
The Plane (and also a Tractor) were renovated and made safe for children
to play on by Jerry Lee of 'Bale & Hay' Contractors to the BDC.
My father, James Kent
landscaped the park and also sited all the play equipment (unfortunately he cannot remember
what type of plane it was).
There was also the usual swings, seesaws and roundabouts
and a huge sandpit with a strange shaped white wall around it. There were 2 slides, one was
made into the side of a small hill and made to look like a fort and the other was very tall
and the top part was made to look like a rocket.
I spent many happy hours there as a
child playing (and I never cut myself playing on the plane!! LOL). Unfortunately most of the
original play equipment has gone now.
Re: Aeroplane Park - Lee Chapel South
Posted by David L on 15/4/2007, 10:27 am
What a great park the Aeroplane park was. My memories of the park are that the plane smelt
like a toilet lol. I remember falling off the wing and being saved by my flaired jeans
catching and tearing on a piece of damaged aluminium! Kids today, alas can't have such fun,
pity really!
Has anyone got any photos of the plane and the park its self? The plane
was massive, odd really because when I go through the park now the hill it was mounted on is
only small! Funny how the mind plays tricks on ya. Remember the batman/firemans pole near
the plane. Perhaps the kids vandalise what's there now because there is nothing worth playing
on !!!!
Re: Aeroplane Park - Lee Chapel South
Posted by Andy on 27/9/2007, 11:48 pm
i also remember the aeroplane park with the tractor. (happy days eh). i really want to see
some photos of the park. im 39 now and its one of the only really good momories of my time in
the 70's.
Re: Aeroplane Park - Lee Chapel South
Posted by John on 8/10/2007, 12:33 am
I used to live off Great Knightlys in the 70's and as a special treat sometimes we walked for
miles (it seemed miles then!) to the aeroplane park to play and have a picnic. And yes I did
cut myself on sharp bits of metal, but we didn't think to sue anybody like people would
today! Happy Days.
Re: Aeroplane Park - Lee Chapel South
Posted by Jane on 2/1/2008, 6:39 pm
our house used to back onto the park and I would climb to the very top of the big slide holding
onto the point and wave to my Mum in the kitchen. cant find any photos unfortunately.
Re: Aeroplane Park - Lee Chapel South
Posted by Glenn on 11/2/2008, 8:51 pm
I remember the real plane in the park. It became so rusty that it had to go unfortunately. They
replaced it with an aeroplane climbing frame. Did someone fall from the top of the rocket
slide? That was a rumour that went round and that's why it was removed.
Re: Aeroplane Park - Lee Chapel South
Posted by Georgina on 15/4/2008, 10:34 am
i think the same because why would people be talking about it unless it was true?
i dont
think someone fell from the top of the rocket slide though?
Re: Aeroplane Park - Lee Chapel South
Posted by Dean on 18/1/2009, 6:13 pm
I remember crawling to the back of that plane to light some gunpowder out of a firework and
singed my hair. I did cut myself badly on the finger once in that park, but not on the
plane, fell on a broken bottle, great park.
Re: Aeroplane Park - Lee Chapel South
Posted by Dave on 10/4/2009, 10:19 am
Thank God, other people remember that aircraft I was starting to think it was a figment of my
childhood imagination. Oddly enough I'm now an Aircraft Mechanic and would love to know what
type of aircraft it was.
Re: Aeroplane Park - Lee Chapel South
Posted by Peter Hudson on 17/9/2009, 8:34 pm
I remember the airoplane park also the really high wall around a sandpit that health and
safety would have loved!!!
Re: Aeroplane Park - Lee Chapel South
Posted by Peter Hudson on 19/9/2009, 1:12 pm
i am sure it was some type of trainer plane maybe a Harvard or Miles Magister???
5. Basildon's Musical Heritage |
Posted by Analogue Andy on 26/2/2007, 3:29 pm
I'm writing a series of articles / book on the history of electronic music and
'the Basildon connection' forms a key part.
If anyone was around in the early 1980's
and part of the 'scene' / friends with Vince Clarke (Martin), Martin Gore, Andrew Fletcher,
Dave Gahan, Alison Moyet, Robert Marlow (Allen) or Perry or Daryl Bamonte I'd love to hear
from you.
What was it like to be part of it? Andy
Re: Basildon's Musical Heritage
Posted by Jess Pearce on 5/6/2009, 3:17 pm
Hi we lived next door to Dave Gahan, he would rehearse in his back bedroom. His mum used to
be my daughters playschool teacher too.
6. No.6 Tyler Avenue, Laindon |
Posted by Ian Lee on 17/3/2007, 11:49 pm
Message to Brian Baylis....I wondered if you would be interested to know that My Great
Grandmother and my Grandmother rented at no.6, Tyler Avenue during the second World War in
1939 until early 1940's.. please contact me at kim.ian@ntlworld.com for further information if
you are interested.
Re: No.6 Tyler Avenue, Laindon
Posted by Brian Baylis on 18/3/2007, 11:32 pm
I have E-mailed you, thank you. Very interested.
Re: No.6 Tyler Avenue, Laindon
Posted by Wendy Barnes on 17/10/2007, 8:43 am
My Godparents Josie and Peter Tyler have lived in their bungalow in Tyler Avenue since
Peter's father built it over 60 years ago. I can't remember the original number of the house,
but it is now number 51 and is called Ellen Holme. It's at the far end of Tyler Avenue near
to the Five Links Estate. Josie and Peter celebrated their 61st wedding anniversary at the
end of September and the road was named after Peter's family who owned the land originally.
Re: No.6 Tyler Avenue, Laindon
Posted by Brian Baylis on 19/10/2007, 1:10 am
Josie and Peter bless them had the number 12 when I lived at number 6. I am so very pleased to
have visited them both earlier this year and rarely ever forget such a Lovely couple.
Re: No.6 Tyler Avenue, Laindon
Posted by Wendy Barnes on 19/10/2007, 6:25 pm
It's nice to know that you are still in touch with Josie and Peter, Brian. They played a very
big part in my childhood after my father died.
7. Gloucester Park Swimming Pool |
Posted by Susan Randle on 2/4/2007, 5:15 pm
Did you know that there are moves afoot to pull down the Gloucester park Swimming Pool? After
a public meeting to discuss this eventual event a Steering Committee was formed to work with
the artistic and cultural communities and Government agencies to secure a viable future for
this iconic.post-modernist building. If you would like to send your views about
this Vin Harrop is the man to send them to.
Re: Gloucester Park Swimming Pool
Posted by Susan Randle on 24/1/2008, 4:57 pm
The Council have sold the site for new housing and are going to use the money towards building a
new Sports Centre in Gloucester Park. Since the Public open meeting last March a new group have
formed called CHASE. We hope to influence the Council in favour of the Arts in Basildon and are
asking all groups to join with us in letting them know that we need a museum and Art Gallery together
with a new and better Theatre and library in the Town Centre. If you or your group are interested
in joining us please email me.
8. Laindon Filling Station |
Posted by Monty Martin on 12/4/2007, 7:21 pm
Has anyone any information about the occupants of or anything useful about Laindon Filling
Station at the end of Kings Road on the Arterial Road in 1947 or years after? There were two
stations, one Laindon Services Station with a cafe but I think that the Filling Station was on
the opposite corner nearly opposite a dart board factory on the A127.
Thanks to those who have responded to the Echo request who need not respond. Thanks
Re: Laindon Filling Station
Posted by Will Smith on 15/2/2008, 8:23 pm
Hi There. I lived in the bungalow attached to the filling station between april and october
1959. See pictures attached to "around laindon".
Any help i can offer, please make contact. Will
Re: Laindon Filling Station
Posted by Fred Rand on 27/6/2008, 2:38 pm
Hi Monty, The Esso garage used to belong to a Mr & Mrs James. The other one was called The
Arrow service station and was taken over by Hatter Bros. who had the old garage opposite which
was a Regent petrol station. The previous owner was Harry Fox.
Hope this helps. Regards Fred.
Re: Laindon Filling Station
Posted by Keith Nock on 19/3/2009, 11:08 am
hi i remember the james' from the esso garage on the A127. i worked with a fitter called
cliff viner, he was married to mr james daughter muriel. we worked together at tonibell ice
cream depot bentalls. i remember mr james calling in to the depot. cliff was a really good
fitter, what great days they were regards keith
9. Yazoo |
Posted by Gina on 4/5/2007, 5:05 pm
Does anyone remember when Vince Clarke & Alison Moyet were in the duo called Yazoo??. Their hits included "ONLY YOU" & "DON'T
GO". Both Basildon based in the early eighties. Vince Clarke was also in Depeche Mode before
Re: Yazoo
Posted by Jess Pearce on 5/6/2009, 3:15 pm
He was also in a group at our church youth club too. I remember he wrote a song called
"Sandals on his feet."
Re: Yazoo
Posted by Trotter on 29/1/2008, 9:33 pm
I remember Vince sharing a flat at Great Ranton (NEAR THE CHALVEDON HALL) with Pete Hobbs
(an old friends brother) who was the drummer in Depeche Mode before the big time.. they had a
flat in pitsea and we used to shin up the balcony legs to get in. Vince used to go round my
mates mum and dads for sunday dinner sometimes when he was in yazoo, and often gave out white
label vynil 12" oh those where the days
10. Steam Trains |
Posted by Brian Baylis on 8/5/2007, 9:43 pm
Can anybody remember the steam trains that used to run through Laindon, Basildon &
Pitsea? I have on video, the first steam train to run on that line on 2 May 1997 since
they stopped in the 1960's. I know on here we have the history of the various stations on the
line, but if anybody is interested, there is also a Forum for the line and its history. If
interested, please contact admin of this website for contact details, or simply post me a
Editor: The website link with this entry no longer resolves. (Link: https://ltandsrenthusiasts.myfreeforum.org/index.php?)
London, Tilbury & Southend railway enthusiasts forum
Re: Steam Trains
Posted by Mary on 16/6/2007, 1:52 am
I well remember the steam trains running through Laindon Station, as I lived in Bristow Road
until 1958, when the corporation bought the road for redevelopment. The road was right beside
the railway line, and as little kids, we used to go beside the line to pick up odd bits of
coal to take home for the stove. The engines were green, mostly, with gold monograms on the
side, and although noisy and smelly, they were far more cosy than the modern ones that run
through there today. Does anyone remember the station waiting room, with a great long
leather settle and the fireplace which had an open fire burning in winter? and the Christmas
tree every year, which stood in the corner. I remember when Mr. Sims was the station
master, and his daughter Joan belonged to the local glee club and the revellers,--two of the
drama groups and Laindon.
In fact I could almost write a book on old Laindon, but perhaps these little bits will jog
someone's memory.
good luck to all the sites visitors, Mary. ps, the late video
clip of the steam trains was a special excursion for enthusiasts which used to run very
occasionally from southend central to fenchurch street, about twice a year. It didn't go on
for long.
Re: Steam Trains
Posted by Brian Baylis on 16/6/2007, 3:42 pm
One very small detail Mary, the loco's I referred to were in fact black my lovely. They were
green when they used what was known as the Tilbury Tank and there is just one left in
existence and can be seen at Bressingham Gardens, Near Diss in Norfolk. I had the pleasure of
seeing it, then climbing aboard the footplate when I went there last year.
As I am writing this, so I am wearing a polo-shirt that I bought on that same steam train I
mentioned in my article.
Re: Steam Trains
Posted by Mick on 4/11/2008, 8:29 pm
As I remember, they were always black and had the wheel configuration 2-6-4. These were the
standard Eastern region loco, and the engine numbers usually were 800?? Whenever I travelled
to Laindon from Upminster or from Laindon to Southend or vice versa both journeys, the loco
was always one of these. They were used on the Fenchurch Street routes. This would have been
during the fifties and sixties. There is a Hornby Dublo one of there in both three rail and
two rail.
Re: Steam Trains
Posted by Brian Baylis on 25/1/2009, 11:16 pm
They were indeed Stanier 2-6-4's and I have one in both OO and N gauge. The OO gauge was
actually manufactured at Wrenn's in Basildon, while the N gauge is a Graham Farish model.
Re: Steam Trains
Posted by Dave Oakley on 6/4/2009, 6:09 am
Hi brian i actually worked on the machine at WRENNS that churned out the OO track, i fed the
piece of fibre in the machine with my left hand whilst pulling it out with my right hand, the
machine stamping out the finished track.--- dave o.
Re: Steam Trains
Posted by Geoff Mansfield on 26/6/2009, 10:04 am
Interesting to see Mary's post. I worked at Laindon Station in the 1940's when Mr Sims was
Station Master. If you were travelling from Laindon Station at that time, I probably issued
your ticket. Laindon's waiting room was much more comfortable than a lot of others, with the
big fire alight on cold days. I am still a steam train fan.
Re: Steam Trains
Posted by Brian Baylis on 16/8/2009, 2:34 pm
It was because of the steam trains and the LT&SR itself, that I became interested in
railways and also wanted to be a train driver, until I was told they were being changed for
I later became a Guard at Kings Lynn and got to work behind Famous
steam loco's when doing Special Weekends and Loved it. Very sadly, I was 'Persuaded' to
take early retirement due to a health problem in 2002, otherwise I might still be there.
Now, I am with another railway, but trying to re-open the line between Wisbech & March in
Cambridgeshire, where we will have diesels' mainly, hopefully with guest steam in winter
months for the steam to have more effect.
11. Farmfoods Store, Pitsea |
Posted by Pitsea Fan on 10/5/2007, 12:57 pm
Hooray by christmas we should all be able to shop again at Farmfoods. The builders have
arrived on site to start re-building these three shops. Its only taken a year!!!!.
12. Tonibell Van Drivers |
Posted by Alan on 26/5/2007, 6:34 pm
Does anyone remember Mick Isleworth, laterly worked for Bastiani? Also Dave Evans circa 1973?
- also worked Dagenham area . . .
Re: Tonibell Van Drivers
Posted by Ex Tonibell on 2/9/2007, 10:31 am
Long shot but does anybody have a colour photo of tonibell bedford c.a in blue livery
(not pink)? Will be put on front cover of new book being published about tonibell.
Re: Tonibell Van Drivers
Posted by Alan on 13/10/2007, 6:12 pm
Ex tonibell: please keep me posted re book publication. Sadly we don't have any
photos, that's why we are keen to see your book! Thanks.
Re: Tonibell Van Drivers
Posted by Jim Green on 21/12/2007, 12:03 pm
Tony Disoma lives in Gladwyns and parks his van outside the rear of his house as he has done
for many years. His Bastiani van has been selling ice cream for generations and is still
going today. It is a 1966 Bedford and it has been my pleasure to have re-conditioned the
engine twice during this time, the last time being in the early 90's, but parts today would be
very difficult to obtain. Tony is a lovely kind guy and still retains a strong Italian
accent to this day and all the kids and indeed the Mums and Dads who were kids all those years
ago will always remember him. Tony, his wife and son and daughter will always be one of our
fondest memories of Basildon. I live in Cyprus now and our local ice cream van has the same
jingle as Bastiani so how could I forget !!!!!
Re: Tonibell Van Drivers
Posted by Kevin Green on 19/2/2008, 9:51 pm
Saw the o'l boy the other day at Ballards Walk shops, still alive and kicking, oh and talking
italian!! don't know if the old Bedford van is still alive tho! used to sell a wicked
spearmint lolly and the lemon ice cornet was to die for!!
Re: Tonibell Van Drivers
Posted by Chris Hebdige on 27/2/2008, 11:50 am
in my teens i worked for tonibell in southampton i have some pics of the pink c,f. vans
this was in the 60s would like to know if there is anyone who worked in the 60s in southampton
and i would love to buy an old bedford cf tonibell van and does anyone know if i can still use
the name tonibell?
Re: Tonibell Van Drivers
Posted by Valerie Wilson on 29/3/2008, 12:11 pm
Tonibell was great however i don't know how they ever made money because the ice cream man as
we called him would always give away more then he sold. I remember he used to come into our
school, timberlog and you could also get a big bar of honeycombe... i took my daughter to
Basildon in 1984-86-94-97 and on top of the list was tonibell treats... the popeye which was
a cone and a slim icepop stuck in upside down... then the yogi bear which was a normal size
icepop with a big blob of ice cream on the side... oh dear one of either right now would be so
cool... I can still see the man's face in my mind and was so pleased to see him on my vist to
the town centre but i am not sure of his name... Some where in my house i still have the
cut out cardboard tonibell cow we used to get... The fact that you could trust tonibell to
be fresh and tasty even to your door. when i get back to basildon i will be looking for
more... valerie
Re: Tonibell Van Drivers
Posted by Keith Nock on 13/3/2009, 10:46 pm
Has anyone got any info on the book about Tonibell? i worked there back in the 70s as a fitter.
Re: Tonibell Van Drivers
Posted by Keith Nock on 13/3/2009, 2:50 pm
hi wondering if anyone remembers me. i was a fitter at tonibell at bentalls for about
15 years. does anyone remember cliff viner and andy chaplin or jimmy waddilove.
hope to hear from ex workers
Re: Tonibell Van Drivers
Posted by Keith Nock on 15/3/2009, 10:17 pm
hi is there any ex-tonibell workers interested in meeting up. i was a fitter at
bentalls. used to see reg and pat who worked in the office and andy chaplin. r there anymore
out there. keith
Re: Tonibell Van Drivers
Posted by Jim Green on 18/5/2009, 12:14 pm
Just heard from friends in Basildon that Tony Disomma's wife Ann passed away a little while
ago. Tony's (Bastiani's) van is still plying his ice cream around Lee Chapel North as he has
done for generations now. Our deepest sympathy to Tony and his son and daughter.
Re: Tonibell Van Drivers
Posted by Steve on 30/6/2009, 11:04 pm
hi guys. I'm steve goodchild and used to work with you all those years ago. My first van
there at bentalls was 250 dow pink b##ch as we called her. first pink van in essex.
Remember Lofty and all the others whose names I have forgotten. Then got a new cummings
van, AMA 819K, i USED TO WORK THE HORNCHURCH area Great days.
Re: Tonibell Van Drivers
Posted by Roger Plummer on 15/9/2009, 8:46 pm
Hi Ex Tonibell, I have a photo of a blue van. how do I get it to you or contact Memory Man,
or Keith Nock, as I have just sent to them, Regards, Dodgy Rog.
Re: Tonibell Van Drivers
Posted by Keith Nock on 23/9/2009, 8:03 am
hi roger i would love photo of blue tonibell van my email address is nockers01@hotmail.co.uk
thanks keith
13. Wilf and Agnes Smith |
Posted by Andrea on 12/6/2007, 8:51 pm
Hello i am looking for anyone who remembers my nan and grandad, wilf and agnes smith. they had
2 newsagents in basildon, in the 50's and 60's i think one may have been in Vange?
i would love to hear from anyone who can help i am trying to build my family tree. They had
2 sons, bill and ted and 2 daughters gladys and vera (my mum). during the war they were
shipped to Hereford. I hope you know someone who can remember them. best wishes Andrea
Re: Wilf and Agnes Smith
Posted by Valerie Wilson on 29/3/2008, 11:43 am
did they have a sweet shop at the corner of church road and clayhill road? as a child we used
to walk to the barge where i attended dancing class and passed a few sweet shops but the one
on my road i think they did have a son called bill. valerie
14. Laindon High Road School |
Posted by Mary on 16/6/2007, 2:16 am
I was very saddened, last week to witness te demise of the old High Road School. As I drove
past on my way to work, the machines were smashing it into hardcore at an alarming rate. There
were people of my age who were standing watching the spectacle, hand in hand, and were openly
weeping at the loss of yet another Laindon landmark. I never went to the school, but I wept
too, for over the years, I have watched the heart being ripped out of the town where I was
born and grew up. I still have a house in the old part of Langdon Hills, and love every day
that I wake up to hear the birds singing and see the wonderful array of trees in the
surrounding woodland. I just hope that this decimation will stop once and for all. Do we
really need another office block in Laindon?
Re: Laindon High Road School
Posted by Brian Baylis on 16/6/2007, 3:33 pm
Like Mary, I was saddened to hear of the bulldozing of this building. I was a pupil there
from 1957-1961, hated school fullstop, but still so saddened to hear it was raized to the
ground and supposedly for 320 houses/flats, or whatever. I know there is one of my old
teachers from there and still living in Basildon. I visited him not so long back.
When I got told about it, I sat here absolutely choked and know for a fact that had I been at
the site at the time, I too would have shed some tears. Like Mary says, too much of the old
town has been ripped down, but for what? Thank goodness I still have my original postcards
from the 1950's that I purchased in one of the remaining shops and when it was a Newsagent,
photographs from early 60's, a couple of books including one I contributed to and my many memories.
Re: Laindon High Road School
Posted by David Bailey on 19/6/2007, 12:16 pm
As a 63 year old born and still living in the original part of Langdon Hills I was shocked to
see my old school pulled down. There is only a small part of the town I was brought up with
left. The 100 plus shops that used to run along Langdon Hills and Laindon High Street have
all gone. Two Pubs, Laindon Hotel and The Fortune of War have gone. The Radion Cinema
gone. We used to have bus services through the high street and you could get a Bus from
Laindon Station to nearly anywhere in Essex
Re: Laindon High Road School
Posted by Jan Wright on 9/7/2007, 6:20 pm
I left Laindon (Dunton Road) in September 1966 when I married. I went back this weekend and
explored the Plotlands - where I used to play sometimes. I drove down the old High Road and
couldn't believe the High Road School had gone - so many memories and they have all been
obliterated. I drove up to St Nicholas Church and stood at the top of the steps and
thought "the last time I stood here I was getting married".
I used to go to girl guides
in the church hall and we tracked all over what is now Basildon (horrible place) but what was
miles and miles of wonderful open spaces full of birds, rabbits etc. Happy Days
Re: Laindon High Road School
Posted by Ken Page on 7/8/2007, 10:34 am
Gday from Australia, I remember you David Bailey, you were in my class in the 50s and 60s. I
was sent a clipping from the local paper about the demolition of the "High Road" school. I
must say I am sorry to see it go. I paid it a visit in 2000 on my first trip back to Britain
since 1964, fortunatly we took lots of photos of it as I wondered around reminising, sad but I
guess a neccessity, it was getting very old, (like the rest of us). glad to see you are
still around David, good luck old son, regards to all in Laindon, Ken Page
Re: Laindon High Road School
Posted by Brian Baylis on 15/8/2007, 11:59 pm
passed by the site yesterday and one glorified sand-pit. UGH!!!!
Re: Laindon High Road School
Posted by Brian Baylis on 16/8/2007, 7:45 pm
This morning, I met an Ex-Schoolteacher from Laindon High Road. For those of you who remember
Mr. Iles, it was this man.
Re: Laindon High Road School
Posted by Wendy Barnes on 17/10/2007, 8:39 am
I didn't attend Laindon High Road School myself, but my elder brother and sister did. There
names are Eric and Linda Cowell, does anyone remember them? Eric was a successful athlete and
boxer. I think they were at the School from from around 1957 (Eric would have started then)
until around 1964. Our father Bill Cowell managed Wagner's cracker factory on the Arterial
Road near the Fortune of War roundabout. We lived in St Nicholas Lane until our house was
compulsorily purchased and demolished in around 1962; we then moved to Basildon.
I would love to hear from anyone who remembers any of us. Wendy Barnes
Re: Laindon High Road School
Posted by Sally Taylor on 9/11/2007, 9:42 pm
I went to Laindon High Road from 1959 to 1963. I can remember taking in 6p per week towards
a swimming pool. I don't know if it was ever built I certainly never saw it. I can remember
certain teachers very well and the school dinners. I remember the school band and a young boy
who played drums. I often wonder whether he ever continued with his skill. Sally Taylor
Re: Laindon High Road School
Posted by Alan Wickens on 14/12/2007, 10:31 pm
I did go to Laindon High Road Secondary school (1950-1953). I was back in the UK in September
2007 to be informed by my cousin, Pam Whitehead that they (?) had demolished our school by
mistake!! I think they (?) should be made to reconstruct the school (at least the facade) to
its original. This is my only and last link to my history in Laindon. I only recently
received from an old colleague documentation via a Prize Giving List that I had actually had
a secondary education and that was at Laindon High.. This is the only evidence that I had that
I had any schooling at all. The education that I got at Laindon High.. was first class and a
memorable period in my life. I don't want to see it demolished!!
Developers have no
soul or conscience, all they are interested in is money. Sod the rest of us! Is it too late
to make a public protest?
I wonder what future history will make of this greed.
Alan Wickens
Re: Laindon High Road School
Posted by Isabel Smith [nee Beaney] on 16/3/2008, 1:08 pm
I attended Laindon High Road School from approx 1952-1957. So sad to know the school was
demolished, it was a wonderful school and I only have happy memories. I have luckily through
Friends Reunited found friends from school days and also have a 5x photo taken in 1957 in the
quadrangle with Mr. Gay our teacher. The panoramic photo Spring 1956 of the whole school I
also have, but is damaged. Has anyone a copy not damaged?
Re: Laindon High Road School
Posted by Brian Baylis on 18/3/2008, 4:14 pm
Hi Isabel, I only have photocopies taken off this same photo. Both my sister and I are in
it. I was in Mr. Gay's class as well, but 1958.
Re: Laindon High Road School
Posted by Robert English on 23/3/2008, 7:42 pm
Re: Laindon High Road School
Posted by Alan Davies on 25/4/2008, 3:23 am
I was at Laindon High Road 1945-47 before going on to Chelmsford Tech. Great school. Miss
Jollyman the first year and then Mrs Pierce. Mr Young for Geography and Mr Woodward for
History. I was back four or five years ago and hence had the opportunity to visit before
its sad demise. We lived just up the road, in the new red brick council houses that bordered
the High Road (King Edward Terrace). I regularly was part of the Youth Centre which operated
out of the school and have many happy memories of table tennis matches, cricket, football, and
tennis matches played for the Youth Centre. Life moves on but sometimes one wishes it would not.
Re: Laindon High Road School
Posted by Vi Marshall on 2/10/2008, 3:45 pm
i have been reading the messages and feel so sad that the old school has gone. i remember some
of the old teachers, miss harris, mr lane, mr wanstall, mr and mrs gay. i lived in basildon
road in the old bungalows but now live in lincs. pretty soon there wont be any of the old bits
of laindon left to remember. some of my family still live there and they keep me
in touch. Violet Marshall nee Perfect
Re: Laindon High Road School
Posted by Caroline Franklin (nee Brown) on 10/4/2009, 12:17 pm
Does anyone remember me. I was at laindon high road from 1958 till 1962.
I lived in Roberts Road until 1967
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