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2002 Forum Threads
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2002 entries Please be aware contact e-mail addresses of some entries may
no longer be valid.
01) Books about Basildon |
02) Memories (Double Six and Peachey's) - 5 replies. |
03) Old Postcards/Telephone Directories/Books - 2 replies. |
04) Fryerns Boys Club - 1 reply. |
05) Hello |
06) Basildon - Depeche Mode - 2 replies. |
07) Need to know some history - Swanstead, Vange - 1 reply. |
08) Depeche Mode's hometown - 4 replies. |
09) Film footage of Basildon |
10) Geography coursework |
11) Depeche Mode |
1. Books about Basildon |
Posted by James Edwards on 12/4/2002, 3:30 pm
Does anyone have a copy of Basildon author Peter Lucas's books: Basildon - Behind the headlines
or Basildon - Birth of a City, or George Ross - The Brink of Despair. These books were written
in the 1980's. I will pay your price for a good condition copy.
2. Memories (Double Six and Peachey's) |
Posted by Dave Oakley on 21/4/2002, 7:34 am
hi there, do peachey bros greengrocers still exist around town (i worked for them in the 60s), also is it true that
the double six hotel is being demolished--- regards dave oakley
Re: Memories (Double Six and Peachey's)
Posted by Stuart Wilson on 19/8/2002, 10:16 am
Yep, Peachey's still exists..... I worked in the Laindon shop from 1995 to 98 and then was Manager at their
Whitmore Way shop in Basildon from 1998 until 1999 before the shop was sold. Although I don't live in
Laindon anymore, I do know that the company still exists although while I was still working there they were
closing quite a few of their shops.
Re: Memories (Double Six and Peachey's)
Posted by Ashley on 27/6/2004, 11:15 pm
Hi is that the Dave who had the long hair, I used to go out with Dave Harwood and also Mark Slowley, if you are
the Dave I am thinking of I think you will no them, I was known as Mandy, real name Christina with the long
polish sir name. Ashley is the yahoo name, all good fun this pc stuff, I think the 6 is already down, must check it out.
Re: Memories (Double Six and Peachey's)
Posted by Dave Oakley on 17/7/2004, 8:24 am
hi there christina good to have your response, unfortunately i cant recall any of the names you mentioned most
likely im not the dave you are thinking of -anyway good to hear from you ---regards dave oakley.
Re: Memories (Double Six and Peachey's)
Posted by Mark G on 23/5/2006, 1:46 pm
Hi Mandy - I think the "Dave" you remember was my brother. I remember you when you went out with Marc
Sloley - he brought you to my brother's wedding. Dave says "hello" and wishes you all the best.
Re: Memories (Double Six and Peachey's)
Posted by Sue on 16/8/2007, 9:28 pm
Unfortunately, the Double Six has been demolished and some luxury flats have been built on the site.
3. Old Postcards/Telephone Directories/Books |
Posted by Basildon.Info on 4/5/2002, 11:32 am
Have you kept any old Postcards of Basildon with shop names on them, or any out-of-date Yellow Pages or
Telephone Directories/Books (any condition/age) that might be of help with dating (& remembering) closed
down shops in Basildon/Laindon/Pitsea/Vange etc.? Any information would be of great help.
Contact e-mail is above.
Re: Old Postcards/Telephone Directories/Books
Posted by Brian Baylis on 4/5/2006, 10:35 am
I don't know if you are still looking for these postcards, but I have some for Laindon taken in the 1950's and
willing to let you see them. These are 100% genuine original and so worth a few bob as the saying goes. I am
prepared to bring them down for you to view as I say if you still require them. I also have a write-up on the
history pages about the shops in Laindon High Road and even though I moved away in 1964, I still visit the
town and was there just last weekend in fact.
I do hope this is of some help to you. I am prepared to come
and show the children these and talk about Laindon back in my schooldays, as I am now retired from work and
can get there easily.
Re: Old Postcards/Telephone Directories/Books
Posted by Sharon Chapman on 14/6/2004, 4:03 pm
I realise this message was posted some time ago but if you ever happen to read this please could you let me
know if you found anything out. I am a primary school teacher finding it difficult to teach the children about
Essex in the last century without many resources. With thanks Sharon
4. Fryerns Boys Club |
Posted by Barry Duncan on 20/5/2002, 8:33 am
hi could anybody tell me if fryerns boys club is still going, i used to play football for them between 1960 to
1970 thanks
Re: Fryerns Boys Club
Posted by Marcus Noakes on 9/2/2005, 10:03 pm
Me too, between 1967 - 1972
5. Hello |
Posted by Henrietta on 26/5/2002, 9:40 pm
Hello, I am Henrieta from Slovakia and i wont to tell you you have got good page about Basildon
i was there last year for holiday and i must to tell you this is very nice town.Well, i know
some people from there. your sincerely Henrietta
6. Basildon - Depeche Mode |
Posted by Frank on 10/6/2002, 6:37 pm
Many of you have had surely read of Basildon as the place where electronic music peaked at its best. In
fact, I'm here, from Italy, to say hello to all citizens of Basildon, saying also I'm a great Depeche Mode fan
(yes, Basildon is the native place of this band), and I hope to come to You very soon. I hope really!
Re: Basildon - Depeche Mode
Posted by Henrietta on 21/6/2002, 8:08 pm
Hi Frank......thank you for your email...i am happy..i hope i am going to Basildon this
summer...Have a nice day...Henrieta from Slovakia
Re: Basildon - Depeche Mode
Posted by Rene on 27/10/2004, 12:56 am
Hello to you all DM fans from Ensenada, Mexico, keeping the devotion....
Re: Basildon - Depeche Mode
Posted by Kevin on 19/12/2007, 10:48 pm
Hi guys, just visited this site to-day. I am the site manager of James Hornsby high school (used to be St.
Nicholas school) where depeche Mode first peformed and two members of the band went to school, there is
a plaque on the stage in memory of them. If you ever come over and visit, I will gladly show you round.
7. Need to know some history - Swanstead, Vange |
Posted by Tony on 23/7/2002, 12:16 am
hi to all I'm posting this message to see if anyone out there can help me with finding out what used to be
where swanstead, vange now is, as i am deeply interested to know what was here. i would like to go back as
far as i possible can and if any one has any type of information they dont mind sharing please email me or tell
me where i might be able to find such information.
Re: Need to know some history - Swanstead, Vange
Posted by Ashley on 27/6/2004, 11:09 pm
In The early 60s this area was mainly open spaces and fields, a net work of small roads with plotland cottages
on. It was like the rest of vange and Basildon at that time very beautiful. Regards Ashley
8. Depeche Mode's hometown |
Posted by Julia on 22/9/2002, 5:11 am
Depeche Mode is my favorite music group, and they are of course from Basildon. I have really enjoyed being
able to see what Basildon is like. So many other articles that I have read about Basildon make it sound like it
is such a bad place. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to see where my favorite band is from. Anyone out
there interested in being "email pals"?
Re: Depeche Mode's hometown
Posted by Ivan on 13/12/2002, 10:25 pm
hi julia i'm ivan from italy. i'm a big devote fan.
Re: Depeche Mode's hometown
Posted by Samantha on 24/7/2003, 3:40 pm
hehe, the lead singers mum lives across da street from me, we always see visitors from all over the world
come to see her house lol, just thought i'd share!
Re: Depeche Mode's hometown
Posted by Rene on 27/10/2004, 12:50 am
Hi, I'm from Ensenada, Mexico, and DM is also my favorite band since 1987 when I first discovered them, I've
been colecting rare items since then (well they were rare to me, coming from such a small town as well, hehe)
and I'm always up for a nice chat with a DM fan... take care p.s. I don't know how this works but if you
plan to reply to my e-mail address in yahoo, please use a notizable subject, such as DDDDDDDMMMMMMM,
otherwise I will be confused with all the junk mail I usually receive...
9. Film footage of Basildon |
Posted by Alicia on 16/10/2002, 12:31 pm
Has anyone got any film footage/video of Basildon in the early eighties for a BBC Current Affairs programme
I am making? Please email me at if you can help.
10. Geography coursework |
Posted by charlotte on 30/10/2002, 12:50 pm
hello, could you please email me a list of the buses which currently run in Basildon and their
destinations as I am studying Basildon for my geography coursework and the information would be
very helpfull (p.s - please could i only have information on bus services which run NOW not in
1967 etc . . ) thankyou :-) Charlotte
11. Depeche Mode |
Posted by ivan on 13/12/2002, 10:24 pm
thanks basildon..... dm are my favorite band...i'm a devote... thanks frank for your link italian devote fan
Page added: 2011 |
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