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If you belong to a society or group
based within Basildon and would like to place a weblink or contact information on this page please use
the contact page with your details. You will be asked to supply a return
email address in order to confirm your entry. This is a free service. |
Scout Groups Theatre Groups Choral Groups |
Basildon Societies and Groups |
The Basildon Group of Amnesty International Uk We are a small group of local people,
who care about human rights. The Basildon group was set up in May 2001, one of 300 local
groups in the UK which contribute to Amnesty International's work to defend human rights
around the world. Weblink: Basildon Group of Amnesty International Uk
www.amnesty.org.uk/groups/basildon |
Essex Horse and Pony Protection Society The Essex Horse and Pony Protection Society
is a registered charity committed to fighting equine cruelty across the County. Established for over twenty years, our policy is to
rescue, rehabilitate and, where possible, rehome horses and ponies under our Fostering Scheme.
Our postal address is: Pitsea Hall Lane, Pitsea, Basildon, Essex, SS16 4UH
Contact Phone: 01268 584603 Weblink: Essex Horse & Pony Protection Society
www.ehpps.org.uk |
Basildon Philatelic Society Established in 1968, Basildon Philatelic Society are a
friendly group of stamp collectors and philatelists who meet twice a month (bank holidays permitting) to pursue their hobby. Meetings
are held at the George Hurd Centre, Audley Way, Basildon.
Weblink: Basildon Philatelic Society
www.basildon-philatelic.org.uk |
Basildon and District Angling Society The club has been established for more than 50
years and has over 400 members. The club operates an open membership and caters for pleasure
anglers of all types. The club does run various competitions for members both on their own and
away venues.
Weblink: Basildon & District Angling Society
www.basildondas.org.uk |
Wickford, Basildon & District Canine Society Wickford, Basildon & District Canine
Society was founded in 1961 at Laindon. The club is now based in Rayleigh at The Grange
Community Centre, Little Wheatley Chase, Rayleigh, Essex, SS6 9EH.
Weblink: Wickford & Basildon Canine Society Website
www.wickfordbasildonanddcs.co.uk |
The Basildon Referee The Basildon & District Society of Association Football
Referees. The society is based at Basildon United Football Club, Gardiners Close, Basildon,
SS15 5HT.
Weblink: Basildon Referee Website
www.basildonref.co.uk |
The Basildon Photographic and Photoshop Meetup Group The Basildon Photographic and
Photoshop Meetup Group (BPPM) brings together photographers of all ages to encourage the taking
of, and improvement of their photographs.
Weblink: Basildon Photographic Meet up Group
www.meetup.com/photo-569 |
Langdon Hills Women's Institute The Langdon Hills Women's Institute hold regular meetings on a wide variety
of topics. W.I. Hall Samuel Road Langdon Hills Basildon SS16 6EZ
Weblink: National Federation of Women's Institutes
www.thewi.org.uk |
The Shadyfish Xperiance The Shadyfish Xperiance (TSX) is a non profit organisation
that runs a weekly community art and social drop-in-group. We meet at St. Andrews Church Hall,
The Fremnells, Fryerns, Basildon, SS14 2QX.
Weblink: The Shadyfish Xperiance
www.shadyfishxperiance.com |
Choral Groups |
The Basildon Operatic Society (Basop) The society for musical theatre in Basildon.
Weblink: Basildon Operatic Society
www.basop.org.uk |
The Basildon Choral Society An amateur chorus group who perform four seasonal concerts and
a variety of additional performances throughout the year. Weblink: Basildon Choral Society
www.basildonchoral.org |
The Dove Singers The Dove Singers are an amateur chorus group who perform four seasonal concerts and
a variety of additional performances throughout the year. They meet every Monday evening at Trinity Methodist Church,
Clay Hill Road, Basildon, SS16 4NN starting at 7.30pm. There is no audition and ladies of any age are welcome. You don't
have to be a great singer just enjoy music. The music is varied from show tunes to more classical numbers. We put on
three concerts per year Spring Summer and Christmas. Contact: Teresa Clarke on 07825 585275 |
Scout Groups |
1st Pitsea & Vange Scout Group 1st Pitsea & Vange Scout Group has been active for
over 80 years and is part of the World Organisation of Scout Movements which has 150 member
organisations. Meetings are held at Riverton Hall, Bardfield, Vange, Basildon, SS16 4JN.
Weblink: Pitsea & Vange Scout Group
www.1stpv-scoutgroup.btck.co.uk |
8th Basildon Scout Group The 8th Basildon Scout Group has been established for many
years and is currently one of the larger groups in Basildon offering children the chance to
progress through Beavers, Cubs to Scouts. The group meetings are held of an evening during
school term times at Lee Chapel Primary School, The Knares, Lee Chapel South, Basildon, SS16 5RU.
Weblink: 8th Basildon Scout Group Website
http://8thbasildon.ukscouts.org.uk |
Local Basildon Scout Groups If you are looking for the opportunity to join a local scout group this website may be of
Weblink: 8th Basildon Website
Basildon Scout Groups Essex Scouts
www.essexscouts.org.uk |
Local Theatre Groups |
The Basildon Players Basildon's oldest amateur dramatics group founded in
1963. Membership accepted from 16 with no upper limit and a target of 3 stage productions a year.
Weblink: Basildon Players
www.basildonplayers.co.uk |
The Thalian Theatre Group Established in 1972, the Thalians stage up to 3 productions
a year, mainly in the Mirren Studio within the Towngate Theatre, St. Martin's Square, Basildon, SS14 1DL. Weblink: Thalian Theatre Group Old site: 2001-2006 Thalian Theatre Group
http://thaliantheatregroup.wixsite.com/thalian/links |
Basildon Theatretrain Established over 20 years Basildon Theatretrain teaches singing,
dancing and drama. All teachers are CRB checked and fully trained in performing arts.
Weblink: Basildon Theatre Training
www.theatretrain.co.uk/franchisee-zone/fz-basildon/ |